The Services That Are Worth It
If you're going to take the time and money to have services performed for your company, as well as potentially distract your employees, you want to be certain that they'll be worth the trouble! That's why we're here to explain why these will be.
Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning
If your business has a kitchen of any kind, whether for a restaurant or otherwise, it's highly likely that they have exhaust hoods installed to vent out the smoke and otherwise that inevitably occurs. However, over time these hoods wind up with a build-up of grease, dust, and food particles that clog them up. Not only does it make it more difficult for the exhaust to get through, but it creates a major fire risk. Many kitchen fires start due to dirty exhaust hoods, so getting them cleaned regularly is a must. -
Air Quality Testing
If your business has poor air quality, both your employees and your work flow will suffer. Polluted air can cause all sorts of health troubles, even in the healthiest individuals. They can experience anything from fatigue and severe allergy symptoms, to something far worse if they already have a breathing condition such as asthma. If your workers are struggling to deal with these issues, they're going to be distracted and have a hard time completing what they need to. An air quality test can tell you what exactly is contaminating the air so you know how to improve it and get your employees ready to work thoroughly again. -
Air Duct Cleaning
As mentioned above, contaminated air can drag down work output thanks to the negative effect it has on anyone breathing it. If the ducts of your building aren't regularly cleaned, this could be the source of the problem. Dust and dirt accumulate in them and taint the air as it passes through, and mold may also start to grow if moisture gets inside. Even pests can invade the ducts, and the waste from them can act as an allergen if not worse. Getting your company's ducts cleared out can take care of all of these troubles in no time.